Augmented Reality Wildlife Photography Tutorial
You too can be a wildlife photographer, and without travelling thousands of kilometers across the globe, purchasing expensive camera equipment and waiting in a swamp all day for the perfect picture. Just download our free app and start snapping away! Here are some tips for beginning Augmented Reality Wildlife photographers.
1. Catch an animal on the move
Wildlife's got to get to where they are going, just like the rest of us. Beby takes the train into town, Mweturia takes highway one and Ethyl the grizzly loves to ride the subway! Their travels are a perfect time to snap a photo unobserved. Wait, is that an elephant on the wing of your airplane?
2. Capture the defiance of gravity
A wonderful behaviour of Augmented Reality Wildlife is that it does not have to adhere to the laws of gravity. Catch them while they are breaking some rules! Is that an elephant on the ceiling of Grand Central Station?
3. Prop it up
Sometimes nature needs a little helping hand. Life is a stage, even for our animals. We think there is a lot more to explore in this category. Build props to create the ultimate scene!
4. Unwind
When you've had enough of the wild life... Ethyl loves to pig out with popcorn at a movie theatre, Mweturia rocks out at a gig and Lola the Rhino can be found playing defence of your sons soccer team.
5. Gotta pet them all
Wildlife loves to hang out with the animals in your life. Lure Atiaia with some crunchy cat nibbles, walk your dog AND lola the rhino, let Rockstar snuggle up in a basket with Mr. Snuffles.
6. Monkey see, monkey do
One of the unique aspects of Augmented Reality is that you can get closer than ever to real wild animals and study their behaviour. After rigorous observation one can attempt to recreate it with stunning effect. Can you do a bear walk, trumpet like Mweturia or stare intently like Beby?
7. Gate crashing
There is not a party or event that will not improve by a visit from an unexpected rhino or elephant. Are you attending a wedding, running a marathon or in a boooooring board meeting? Mweturia and Lola will liven up the place in no time.
8. Have your way with words
No rules for Mweturia, but we need rules if we want to save elephants - @1travellingbee
It's Friday, Lola at the watering whole - @olpejeta
O the magic of word and image! A good caption creates the perfect message!
9. Take 'm to the city
Animals and the city create the ultimate juxtaposition of nature and culture. Do you have the talent to spot the perfect scene?
10. Share a moment
Don't let the AR Wildlife Photographer of the Year competitive fever get in the way of simply sharing a moment together...
Get the Safari Central app from the App Store or Google Play. Be inspired by more images from our current movement of AR wildlife photographers all across the world! Go to our facebook page.